While each diamond is unique and a perfect miracle of time and process, each diamond has specific characteristics and qualities that establishes its final value. Having a legacy and experience of over 60 years, B.A. Shah & Sons Jewellers brings to you a simple trick to pick the perfect diamond for you. Any diamond can be judged and rated on a 5C scale - Cut, Colour, Clarity, Carat & Care.


The cut of a diamond unleashes its light and allows it to sparkle. While a diamond’s cut can often be misunderstood as its shape, It’s really about how well a diamond’s facets interact with light. One mantra while selecting your diamond is ‘never sacrifice on cut’. It is one of the most important qualities of a diamond. The glistening effect of a diamond that leaves everyone awestruck comes from the diamond’s cut.

Skilled and precise workmanship is required to work out the chemistry of this precious stone with light so as to bring out its magnificent sparkle. A diamond’s cut is very crucial to this stone’s final beauty and value.

The interaction of a diamond with light to create a desired visual effect can be measured with the help of :

Brightness: This refers to the internal and external white light that a diamond reflects.

Fire: The scattering of lights into all colours of the rainbow Scintillation : The amount of sparkle and shine that is produced by a diamond, along with the light-dark patterns caused by the light and reflection within the diamond.


Just like a drop of water is purest without a colour, a good diamond colour actually means lack of colour. A chemically pure and structurally perfect diamond has no hue and its purity of colour is what gives it a higher value.

The colour grading systems that grade a diamond based on its colours are actually grading a diamond’s colourlessness by comparing and observing the stone under controlled lighting and precise viewing conditions. Various subtle colour distinctions in the diamond might not even be visible to the naked eye but they make a big difference in price.

Buying a diamond of a below K grade colour is not worth it since it appears close to yellow and looks discoloured.


In simple terms, diamond clarity refers to the absence of inclusions and blemishes. Natural diamonds are the result of carbon exposed to tremendous heat and pressure deep in the earth. This process can result in a variety of internal characteristics called ‘inclusions’ and external characteristics called ‘blemishes.’

Evaluating a diamond based on its clarity means judging how various natural factors affect the overall appearance of the stone. No diamond is perfectly pure, but the closer to that grade, the higher is the value of the diamond.

It is not advisable to overthink the clarity of a diamond you’re about to buy since no diamond is flawless and most of the factors that determine the clarity of a diamond are not visible to the naked eye.

C A R A T   W E I G H T

A diamond’s carat weight is the measure of its size. This system allows very precise measurements to the hundredth decimal place. A jeweller may describe the weight of a diamond below one carat by its ‘points’ alone.

All else being equal, diamond price increases with diamond carat weight because larger diamonds are rarer and more desirable. But two diamonds of equal carat weight can have very different prices depending on the other 4Cs.


Diamonds, though hard enough, can still be scratched by other objects or harmed by chemicals. Understanding how to protect your diamonds and maintain their lustre can save the big price you’d have to pay for your little carelessness.

While the 4 Cs - Cut, Colour, Clarity & Carat Weight are the primary factors that decide the price of a diamond, there’s always a 5th C - Care which is necessary and inevitable in case of diamonds, especially if you wish to keep your diamonds shining for the heirlooms to come.

Learn more about understanding which diamond jewellery suits you the best with our next blog. You can visit our website for more about diamonds and diamond jewellery